Rust Belt
Hello, Traveller.
The poet is unavailable now.
Please leave a message at the tone.
Don’t enquire their location.
Don’t try to find the poet on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkdIn, Snapchat, TikTok, or OnlyFans.
For the last goddamn time, they won’t reply to your 167 unread messages.
The poet doesn’t want to be disturbed.
Overall Dimensions: 22cm x 31.4cm
Number of pages: 112
Binding: Digitally Printed, Perfect Bound, Soft cover
Published by BIRDBOY PRESS
Printed by Ligare
Or visit one of the many shops/libraries that stock the book:
Take Note - Mairangi Bay, Auckland
Paper Plus - Glenfield, Auckland
Unity Books - High Street, CBD, Auckland
Jason Books - O’Connell Street, CBD, Auckland
Time Out Bookshop - Mt. Eden, Auckland
Bookmark Secondhand and Antiquarian Books - Devonport, Auckland
Auckland Libraries